I think we can all agree that every single birthday is a precious gift that is meant to be celebrated. For some, a new year is another obstacle that they have overcame as well as a new chapter in their story. Two and a half years ago my mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer given at most two years to live. Everyday since then it has been about little victories, but the greatest of them all is that she has fought and is still here. For her, this shoot was something fun to do and to show case that she has made it this far in a life that has hardly been fair. For me...It was about giving her a moment of empowerment. I wanted her to feel just as she did before medications and sickness started attacking what brought her empowerment.
This shoot is meant to help empower all of the women who feel less than for something completely out of their control. This is for those who have to walk out of their homes everyday and feel the curious yet prying eyes against them, causing a feeling as uncomfortable as having someone breathing directly down your neck. You can be: beautiful, graceful, empowered, strong, and so much more not matter what life places in your path. This has to be one of my favorite shoots to date, for the simple fact that I feel as though the person in front of the camera was allowed normalcy in a time where anything is normal or simple. They are allowed to dress up just like when they were a child which provides that same happiness and freedom. Do not ever feel trapped by your situation. See it as a time of growth, a time for yourself. You are so much more than a diagnoses. Allow yourself to breathe...at least for a heartbeat.
Happy Birthday Tonya Faye Whovier <3